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Reveal documentation

How does it work?

Firstly, wrap fragments of your pages or blog posts in the Reveal macro.

Next, go to Confluence administration to obtain the URLs for your fragments.

Reveal provides two types of API endpoints:

  • JSON list of all the fragments from all pages. These include meta information about the confluence content containing the fragment, short unformatted preview for each fragment, as well as complete, ready-to-use HTML rendering.

  • Each fragment is also available via a unique URL as JSON or HTML.

Consume anywhere (CORS enabled)

All resources support cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), making it possible to consume the data directly from a client-side web application. Of course feeds can also be consumed by server-side code.

The resources are available to all clients and applications which can reach your Confluence.

If your Confluence instance is not reachable from the Internet, then the URL-based resources will only be reachable for applications and devices operating in the networks allowed the access.

Depending on network configuration and security policy, it may be possible to allow traffic by URL pattern (without opening up the entire Confluence installation) or set up a proxy.

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