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Atlassian Governance

Duration - 1 day

Unlock the full potential of your Atlassian investment and optimize your implementation, whether you're tidying up an existing setup or rolling out a brand-new implementation. Join our comprehensive 1-day class, exclusively designed for admins and tool owners, to gain insights into maximizing returns and establishing a robust foundation for success. Engage in lively discussions surrounding the delicate balance between team autonomy and the benefits of consistently applied best practices.

Key Features

  • Maximizing Atlassian ROI: Discover
    strategies to maximize the return on your
    Atlassian investment, ensuring that your tools
    are leveraged effectively to achieve optimal

  • Implementation best practices: Gain
    valuable insights into best practices for
    Atlassian implementation, whether you are
    tidying up your existing setup or embarking
    on a new implementation journey.

  • Autonomy vs. best practices: Explore the
    delicate balance between team autonomy
    and the benefits of consistent best practices.
    Learn how to strike the right balance to foster
    collaboration while maintaining
    standardization and scalability.

  • Establishing guardrails: Understand the
    importance of establishing guardrails within
    your Atlassian environment to promote
    scalability, reduce complexity, and ensure
    long-term success.

  • Interactive discussions: Engage in lively
    discussions with instructors and fellow
    participants, sharing experiences, challenges, and best practices to foster a collaborative learning environment.

Class Outline

  • Atlassian Governance overview

    • Governance Strategy

    • Governance Principles

  • Atlassian Governance best practices

    • Vision and Purpose

    • Goals and Components

    • Governing bodies

    • Governing policies

  • Governance Framework in Jira

    • Issues

    • Workflows

    • Reports

  • Governance Framework in Confluence

    • Governance Space

    • Information & Documentation

  • Governance Implementation


Class type


Public Class for individual registration (dates here)

$595 per attendee

Private Class (1-15 attendees)


Private Class (16-30 attendees)


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