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Query Feed for Jira

The Query Feed for Jira add-on expose...

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Configuration in Query Feed

Configuration is available in the Add-ons section in Jira Administration. Query feeds The Query feeds page shows all query feeds along with their status. It ...

Query feed data

The exported data is available from the Query feeds page. The data URL is freely accessible from the outside (until the link is invalidated). It can even be ...

Comparison to JIRA REST API

Even though Jira already provides a rich REST API, there is a number of reasons why Query Feed may be a better choice. Streamlined data model Query Feed for ...

Frequently asked questions

What is "data push"? Data push is a feature which sends feed data to an external system via HTTP(S) POST or PUT request, similar to a "web hook". It is sent ...

Data push

All data feeds created by Query Feed are always available for download via HTTPS GET request. This is sometimes referred to as the pull model. In addition to...

Update schedule

Query Feed supports two types of update schedule: Automatic refreshes the feed within a few minutes after Jira issue data is updated. This way the data stays...


Jira access security Query Feed for Jira does not update any data in Jira, it is a read-only exporter. Only read access is needed. Jira Cloud During the inst...

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